On June 1, 2022, 6:00-6:30 pm, in LINC-405 Zoom class
Skills Workshop with William Cavada,
he showed how to copy (Command-X) and paste (Commnad-V). I knew these short commands a long time ago.
Another feature Cavada showed which I'm not familiar with is "Clearing Formats" in Google Docs and Google Slides.
1. William Cavada's Skills Workshop on Clearing Formats (June 1, 2022)
On June 1, 2022, at LINC-405 Skills Workshop, William Cavada showed how to clear formatting
in Google Docs and Google Slides. I did not know this feature and applied it to two formats below
when doing Assignment #5: "Embedding Videos".
2. Applying Clear Formatting to "Joc Pederson's 3-Homer Game"
Joc Pederson's 3-Homer Game in HTML |
Joc Pederson's 3-Homer Game in Goggle Slides
"Embedding Videos" was composed in HTML on June 1. The font used was Times Roman (Font Size=5).
When it was replicated in Google Slides on June 4,
I recalled what Cavada taught on "Clear Formatting" (June 1). Copy (Command-X) and Paste (Command-V) the yellowed text into
Google Slides. Clicking the "Clear Format" icon at the upper right corner, the yellowed text was removed. In addition,
the original font "Times Roman" was changed to "Arial" (font size = 12 pt).
3. Applying Clear Formatting to "Three Bears on Waterfalls"
Three Bears on Waterfalls in HTML |
Three Bears on Waterfalls in Google Slides
"Embedding Videos" was composed in HTML on June 1. The font used was Times Roman (Font Size=5).
When it was replicated in Google Slides on June 4,
I recalled what Cavada taught on "Clear Formatting" (June 1). Copy (Command-X) and Paste (Command-V) the yellowed text into
Google Slides. Clicking the "Clear Format" icon at the upper right corner, the yellowed text was removed. In addition,
the original font "Times Roman" was changed to "Arial" (font size = 12 pt).