LINC-405: Spring 2022

Beginning Technology Skills
Foothill College: Spring 2022

Instructors: William Cavada,
Kim Randall, Gene Tognetti

Assignment #8: Enlarge Portraits in Google Sheets

June 24, 2022

By Peter Y. Chou

Preface: On June 15, 2022, 6:00-6:30 pm, in LINC-405 Zoom class Skills Workshop with Gene Tognetti, he showed
how to enlarge an image in Google Sheets. He downloaded a "Currant Chaparral Flower". Placed it in cell A1 and
enlarged it. I tried to replicate this without success. Emailed Tognetti on June 15 for help. He didn't respond to my
email, but gave the answer on my "Currant Chaparral Flower in Google Sheets" which I didn't see.


1. William Cavada's Skills Workshop on Google Sheets (June 22, 2022)

Currant Chaparral in Google Sheets

Maya Angelou

Maya Angelou in Google Sheets
On June 22, 2022, 6:00-6:30 pm, in LINC-405 Zoom class Skills Workshop with William Cavada,
I asked how to enlarge images in Google Sheets. He downloaded a photo of Maya Angelou. Placed
it in Cell A1. He then put the cursor at Row 1 and when the tiny arrow appeared, dragged it down
several rows. Both the cell and image were enlarged.

2. Arranging Poets in Google Sheets

Jalal al-Din Rumi
Syria 1574
(issued 9-30-2005)

Dante Alighieri
Mexico C308
(issued 11-23-1965)

Wolfgang von Goethe
Germany 10NB9
(issued 7-20-1949)

William Blake
Romania 1220
(issued 5-31-1958)

Rainer Maria Rilke
Austria 1049
(issued 12-29-1976)

Emily Dickinson
U.S. 1436
(issued 8-28-1971)
Cavada suggested using Google Sheets to arrange my favorite poets. Gathered postage stamps of six poets
to arrange in Google Sheets— Name, Dates, Biography, Poem to Read. Tried to insert postage stamps
as portraits for the poets, but the image came out so tiny that I gave up trying to enlarge it.

3. Enlarging Portraits in Google Sheets
Thanks to Gene Tognetti and William Cavada, I was able to enlarge the portraits. Used Format Align=top
to place info in cells B-F on the top. "Biography" links to Wikipedia on the poets. "Poem to Read"
links to poems of the six poets on my web site.

| Top | Poets in Google Sheets | Clearing Formats | Embed Videos | Making Links | Download Photos | Google Slides: April 5 Birthday |
| LINC-405 (Spring 2022) | | Google Drive: "All Seats Full" | Google Slides: Shell Ridge | Google Forms 3 | Google Drawings 3 | Google
Sites: Turtle Dove Poem
| Google Drive: Squirrel Sonnet | Google Gmail (Winter 2022) | Google Sites: Cargo Shipment | Cicada Slides |
| Google Forms 2 | Free Movies ICON Theater | Posey Retires Infographics | Google Drawings: $6 Tuesday Movies ICON Theater |
| Google Forms | Google Infographics | Google Sheets | Google Slides | LINC-405: Fall 2021 | Haikus 2022 | Poems 2022 | Home |

© Peter Y. Chou, Wisdom Portal
P.O. Box 390707, Mountain View, CA 94039
email: (6-24-2022)