Rancho San Antonio Hike Los Altos Hill, California Hike: Coyote Trail & Lower Meadow Trail Saturday, August 27, 2011 By Peter Y. Chou WisdomPortal.com |
Preface: On Saturday, August 27, 2011, Al Guzman invited me hiking at Rancho San Antonio. My friend Rudy and Al's friend Felix also came along. Rudy has joined me on many Stanford lectures and films at Stanford Theatre, but this is the first time we went hiking together. The Fall 2011 issue of Midpeninsula Regional Open Space has a Visitor Survey for 2008-2010 (p. 16). Using infrared trail counters, the average visitation/day at Rancho San Antonio (1348) exceeded the total of the next three Preserves Fremont Older (522), St. Joseph's Hill (422), and Windy Hill (341). I've hiked here more often than any other trails, the last time in 2003. So it was refreshing to come here again. We began our hike near 2 pm at Coyote Trail and into the Wildcat Loop Trail. When Al decided to go for pizza, we turned back and went on the Lower Meadow Trail. Stopping by Deer Hollow Farm's Phoebe's Garden, had a sniff of the peppermint and spearmint leaves. Then took photos of pigs and goats in the farm. Spotted some wild turkeys on the Lower Meadow Trail. Rudy noticed branches shooting vertically up from a tree, and we discussed phototropism on plants bending toward sunlight. Then I told Rudy about Rumi's remark that the sun in our sky is not real, though it provides us with warmth, light, and life. Al wants to hear this version, so I repeated the rationale to him as well as to Felix later in the car. We finished hiking at 3:30 pm and went to Bogey's Pizza (5039 Almaden Expressway) in San Jose, that's Al's favorite near his home. It's my first time here, and the decor and ambience were great as well as the combo pizza and drinks that Felix treated all of us. After pizza, Al wanted to go to the movies to watch Captain America and Felix invited us to visit his new house in San Pablo near Berkeley. However, I wished to go to my regular Saturday ballroom dancing at Cubberley Pavilion, so they dropped me off at my apartment. It was a wonderful afternoon hiking at Rancho San Antonio and eating tasty pizza with good friends. |
Coyote Trail Sign |
Twisted California Live Oak |
"O" in Live Oak Trunk |
Branches Up to the Sun |
Water in the Creek |
Y-shaped Maple Tree |
Water in the Creek |
Dead Tree Trunks |
View of Hills on Coyote Trail |
Rancho San Antonio Info Boards |
Deer Hollow Farm Sign |
Peppermint & Spearmint Herbs |
Phoebe Garden Sign |
Cute Orange Hen Sign |
Phoebe Garden Entrance |
Phoebe Garden Herbs |
Two Pigs in Deer Hollow Farm |
Goats in Deer Hollow Farm |
Goats Going to the Barn |
Cow Walked Behind Bushes |
Tree Rings in Stump |
Clouds, Trees, and Grass |
Wild Turkeys on Lower Meadow Trail |
Water in the Creek |
Lower Meadow Trail Sign |
Wild Turkey |
Wild Turkey Closeup |
Hollowed California Live Oak |
View of Hill from Bay Tree |
California Bay Tree Infomation Board |
St. Joseph College Rock |
Permanente Creek under Bridge |
Tree Reflections in Creek |
Giant 200-year Old Bay Tree |
"Tuning Fork" Tree |
Bogey's Pizza & Mickey Mouse |
Bogey's Pizza, San Jose |
Rock Stars from the 1950s |
Marx Brothers, Marilyn, James Dean |
Bing Crosby Clambake |
Tim Lincecum, Beatles, & RCA Nipper |
Larry Bird & San Francisco 49ers |
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© Peter Y. Chou,
Wisdom Portal P.O. Box 390707, Mountain View, CA 94039 email: (9-13-2011) |